Hey everybody, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I wanted to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep and teach you a little more about lead magnets.
I love the definition of lead magnet, because if you are trying to find leads for your business, and now I like to think of people as humans and not just numbers or things or objects, but still leads is a good description. If you have a magnet that's powerful enough, it should bring people to you that are attracted to a magnet. Now obviously with a magnet, if the wrong ends are facing, it should repel, right? So I love the idea of a lead magnet. This is what you're going to give in exchange for someone's name and email.
You are going to give something of value in your business that lets them learn something new, get something new, try something new, whatever the case is. That is so you can build your list. You've got to realize your lead magnet and this is one of the principles to do that. Principle number one, it needs to connect with your ultimate offer. The thing that you're going to sell them eventually, you're giving something away free today. What are you going to sell them eventually? It needs to coincide with that.
Hear me clearly, if you're going to give away an iPad and then you're selling consulting services that won't work as a lead magnet. Does that make sense? If you're a plumber and you're giving away an iPad that doesn't equate, does that make sense? So you need to make sure your lead magnet connects with what you ultimately offer in some way shape or form. Doesn't have to be the same thing. Doesn't have to be the same modality, but it helps if it is connected, okay?
Now, with lead magnets, some of the best ones out that I really love are webinars. The reason I love webinars so much and the reason why people still consume webinars is it is something they can opt into. They can learn something about you, about your business, about what you do and then there's usually a call to action to buy or to do something or to check something out. So webinars are still a phenomenal, phenomenal lead magnet because you're teaching somebody something they don't know.
One of the spaces that we are in most often is we're teaching some principle because the people we work with and the clients we have are selling online products or services. That way, they can get someone's name and email, get them in, teach them something, and then if they're interested, they'll take the next step. If they're interested they'll jump off, right? The lead magnet needs to be exciting enough for a person that would require your ultimate service. If you're a plumber and you're talking about things that don't matter, then it won't work. It has to connect, okay?
I'm going to jump in and show you a couple of examples of this on the screen in just a moment so you guys can see some different businesses and what their lead magnets are in different varieties. Some of the ones I really love are webinars and challenges. They are both really big right now. A challenge can be if you're a fitness expert, a business coach or a personal development guru or speaker or trainer, you have some kind of framework that you're going to teach somebody. You'll take them through a five-day challenge, a three-day challenge, or maximum seven-day challenge. I don't think that outside that you're going to get a whole lot of play with a lot of people, but you can always play with that and have fun. A challenge is great. Have people opt-in and then take them through a challenge every day to work through, right? That's a great one.
You can give away books. You can give away things that aren't even yours. If you don't mind investing something into the people that are coming into your list and your audience, then you can always ship them something. If it's yours all the better because now they're getting ingrained in something that you can do, but that also costs a lot of money. If not, I still recommend that you ship them out logos. You can do giveaways. That's a great lead magnet as well. You can giveaway a sweatshirt, a T-shirt, swag, or you can give away one of your courses, one of your trainings, or one of your products. If you give it away then people will be excited about what it is then they're going to say I want in on that, so now you have a bunch of people you can market to later on that didn't win the prize that are great for it.
There are many ways that you can give lead magnets out, but it needs to be something valuable. Don't giveaway little piddly widdly things that don't matter. Give away something that actually helps people move the needle in their business or their personal life. Whatever it is that you solve, don't just wait until they buy your big product to give them something cool. Give them something cool away for free even if it's something you sold for $100 a year ago, give that away for free, right? Change up something you already have, give it away for free and let people experience how awesome you are because then they're going to want to know more about you. That's my recommendation. I want to show you a couple of examples of some great lead magnets. They are ways people are exchanging value to get people's names and email addresses.
We're not going to analyze exactly what is on the page, more so we're going to be focusing on what they're giving away, the value they're giving away to get an email address and a name. One of the first ones is Rachel Hollis' offer. She's doing a next 90 challenge. It's a challenge she's issued recently and what you can do is get involved in it.
She does things on a weekly basis and on a daily basis to the group of people that get in here. For 90 days she does this, then she goes live and teaches them and trains them. There are different things you get, you get the workout video, you get sheets, all that kind of stuff. It's a challenge and by the end of the challenge you should have something changed, right, something in your life should change in that 90 day period. She's doing this challenge free of charge. That's one of my favorite things, whether it's hers or anybody else's. Challenges work really well if you can provide a good back bone content for it.
When you do a five day challenge make sure you're touching the people for five straight days. If you're going to do a challenge for 14 days make sure that you're touching them every other day or whatever it is the challenge, you're doing it. I will say that challenges that last over a week definitely require a lot more effort. Challenges that are smaller in nature you can provide or create less content, but also people will stay engaged generally a little bit more with you if it's a five day challenge, seven day challenge kind of thing, three day challenge. For whatever reason we have a hard time changing things and so when it's long term we don't always commit to it. We might initially, but we might fall off the bandwagon by the end. Not that a 90 day challenge is a bad idea, but that's the idea.
Another one that I really like is on Transform App, this is Chris and Heidi Powell's workout app and this is one of the things you can do. It's free access for 14 day trial, right? So the way that they're getting people to opt in is to give something away that they actually have to pay for after 14 days, right? The nice thing is, right here you just put in your name and email so it's not like it's asking you for a credit card or anything. That's one of the tactics that's really good as well. But note, that if you do something consistently that's a subscription based product, a trial is great. Or even if you do something that's a one time service you can still give them a 30 minute one time session or something for free that gets them in the door, right? So I like trials, they work really well and I highly recommend them.
The last one I want to talk about is a little more typical, like a survey. This is another one that's fun to do outside of the mundane news letter. I'm not a big fan of news letters, although some people have them and do them, and I'm okay with you emailing your followers every week or doing something special for them every week. I'm not saying that what is a "newsletter" to you as far as delivering the content is a bad idea. I'm just not a big fan of newsletters because they don't drive a whole lot of value to the person that's opting in for them. You're not going to get a lot of opt ins. A great one is a survey. It's like, hey right here take five minutes do this little performance assessment and then what you'll do is you'll get based on the largest study of high performance, you'll see how likely you are to succeed. So it's a survey in nature, you fill it out and you see how your scores compare to other peoples. That's a great way to get people in as well. PDFs and worksheets are great as well, those are phenomenal, especially if they really tie into your end offer that some people pay for in the future, even if it's not connected to this right out the gate.
These are some great examples of some lead magnets, again the pages will analyze on a different situation, but here we're analyzing just simply what you're getting by giving your name and email and these are a lot more creative than a typical newsletter. So I implore you to be creative, have fun, because the more creative and different your opt-in is, the actual lead magnet that you're trading value for, really that's what makes a difference for people.
Thank you for paying attention on how you can build a better lead magnet, engage an audience and increase your list so you can be more successful in your business. This is just one small way to AutomateBIG
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