Hey, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. The principle that I want to talk about today, love him or hate him, I'm not talking any political, nothing like that. This is called the Trump Episode. The reason why I want to call it that is because there's one principle that you need to have in your business, and even if you think that I'm crazy, hear me out. It's called the Trump Principle. The Trump Principle is that that dude is so confident in himself, he thinks he walks on water and thinks that he is the best of the best of the best. At the heart of that, why don't you?
You, an entrepreneur or business owner, you are working to scale your business, to grow your business, and you look at other people and you say, "Well, he's super egotistical and he's a jerk". Okay. I'm not saying be a jerk. Hear me clearly, I'm not saying that in your business you should be a jerk. That is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is you should think you are the bomb.com, That you are the best that no one's better than you. Now, is there someone better than you? Yeah, for sure. There has to be someone better than you. Put in the effort and think that you are the best doesn't mean, do crappy and think you're the best. I'm saying do your best and know you've done your best, and think that you're the best, right? There's something about that confidence that really exudes and makes a difference in your audience and who you talk to, how you talk to your audience and what you actually do.
So I want you to just think about that principle. I know that might sound crazy and I know this is pretty quick, but I want you to think through if you thought more of yourself if you were more confident and thought you were the best, that you were the hot dog, you were the top of the top, no one's better than you. If you truly thought that, what things did you have to learn to actually think that? How much better would your message be?
So when I think about our audience, our message, the things we want to be able to create in our businesses, we have to just approach it with that confidence. And so, while I don't want you to be a jerk or be like him, I do want you to think of, how can you be the best?
Find a way to be the best. Not just say you're the best, but actually make it true, make it be that you are the best. If you can make that happen in your business, results will come. I can almost guarantee that results will come because you will have so much confidence that it will attract people to you. But again, I am all about authenticity, about being true and honest and being a good human being. So it's not about being an egotistical jerk, it's about being true and working your butt off so that being the best is actually what you believe.
That's my message today. I hope you'll take that and you'll make a difference in your business because of this Trump Principle, that you will become more confident in what you do and how you do it to serve your audience. That's just another small way to AutomateBIG.
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