Hey, everybody. This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG. I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, and I want to talk about something that has really changed my life. You see, when I was early on in the marketing industry, I was in the automation space, learning email marketing, learning how to build opt-in pages, and get conversions, and take care of all the fun things behind the scenes that a lot of people need in their business but don't really want to have to deal with in their business. When I left and started doing my own thing, and teaching and training and helping other people to basically scale up in this space of marketing automation, I fell in love with advertising.
Advertising is something that every business, in my opinion, needs to do. Now, I recognize that there are people that are doing great things, that have a great network, that are working manually and calling people on the phone, talking to people physically, and I commend every effort that spreads your business. That is important. But for me, advertising is something that I don't believe any business should completely forego.
Even in the space of social media marketing, like just social posts, even then it's a pay to play scenario, where you're trying to boost your posts or get it in front of an audience, because if people don't see your posts, then they can never respond to them. So even when it's not really a sales funnel, it's just, "Hey, check out this cool thing and comment," there are a lot of people that are actually paying to get people to see those so they can comment and grow their business. But I digress a little bit. The advertising arm of any business should be evident.
Now, one of my favorite things, and when I learned about Facebook, I was not excited about Facebook for any of the personal reasons. I was excited about Facebook when it first came out because of the marketing potential. When I understood what it did, and it categorized people and their behaviors, and what they liked, what they hated, what they did and how they commented, it was fascinating to me, and I get that there are some big brother-ish and some scenarios that some people might not like, but I really love the fact that, wow, in this platform on Facebook, I can target people that love this, or do this, or have this affinity.
That made a huge difference to me, because most of the marketing 50 years ago, television and radio, granted, you're targeting an audience based upon what show they're watching, but either way, it's a very general audience. It's like, "Hey, we do this thing," but it's not very specific or niche, and that's what I loved about the advertising platform on social media. Facebook was the first that I really got involved in.
When I started getting out of just the automation side and focusing a lot more on the advertising side of my business, they both are important, I fell in love with everything we could do with Facebook. I mean, there are so many cool things like retargeting. When someone sees something or reacts, or likes, or comments, or shares something, you can then re-target that specific person to see a different ad the next time. That was really intriguing to me, that you could get that moving.
In some of the cases with our clients, on a front end to get people to go to a sales page, that was not the best in converting, right? But it did provide a phenomenal remarketing strategy. Again, it's just showing that person that came to your page another ad that's different from the first one they saw, right, and only showing that group of people that next ad. That blew my mind, that I could do that. So that's why, if you are running your business and you want to advertise correctly, social media is a great way to do this.
Now, blow my mind again when I got into YouTube ads. YouTube ads are incredible because there are versions of YouTube ads currently right now that you can be running, that unless someone watches 30 seconds or more of your video, you don't pay for it. That's pretty incredible, that you can advertise in front of an audience like that, and right now the stats show that in the last year and a half, YouTube has overrun Facebook as far as the number one platform that people are hitting on a daily basis. So that's incredibly powerful for you to note, YouTube is a great place for almost everybody. I get there are different demographics and places you want to advertise depending on what you do and who you're helping, but those are great platforms to use.
One of the other things I want to mention on social media, on the Facebook side is, in this post I will share a link that you actually go and check out people's ads. I mean, you can see any of your competitors. You can see what they're doing on advertising. If you're going to go buy from a company, or go buy a brand new something from a company, you can go check the ads and see if they have a promo code running for that same thing you want to buy. So I'll link that in the bio here, that you can actually see everything, other people's ads on Facebook, which is interesting, and Instagram. But YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, those are our favorite platforms to advertise on.
One thing that I want to note is that there are different versions of advertising. Now, some people look at advertising and say, "Okay, well, I'm going to do an ad. I've got to have some beautiful print ... I've got to have some cool images. I've got to have some videos. I've got to potentially even spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars of having a production company create an ad for me, and then run it, and then see if it works."
There are various versions, and I'm not saying that any one of those is bad or right or wrong. There are some ads that are direct to camera, that are very low budget. I mean, I'm talking, like, shoot your cell phone, shoot a video of yourself, or even from your computer or laptop, shooting yourself on the computer, doing something, teaching something. Those ads are performing incredibly well right now, incredibly well.
On the other side of the fence, the really very well-produced, maybe even funny, have some satire in it, whatever the case is, though, there are some great commercials out there that you can run and use, but I just know that those are very costly. You have to write script, you have to make sure that you've got all the props, all the settings and different angles, all that kind of stuff. So, note that there are different versions of advertising you can do, and then there's always the still images, which are great, but those all have their place in advertising.
There are many other platforms, many other platforms that you could be advertising on, that I really love. I will mention more in maybe later videos. I do want to show you some ads that are really working well, that are doing really good things, and you'd be surprised that you don't even have to have the most shiny, blingy, funny, amazing ad in the world in order to have it convert for you.
Again, I will say that if there's anything you take away from this on the advertising level, that you look at remarketing. Get people to a page and then re-market them to see something only for those people that hit the page. Really cool thing. But let's just jump in and I just want to talk about some really cool ads that are out there, to give you some inspiration on your advertising.
So as we dive right into the ads that have done and proven and made some big difference out there, I want to show you a couple of things. First, I did mention that I was going to show you the URL tool to check out other people's ads. This is a resource that I think every business should be checking out and taking a look at. If you're going to run ads yourself, it's important for you to know what's going on out there in the marketplace. Where you can go is facebook.com/ads/library. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library, you can then type in any business you want to look up. If they have ads running in the specific country or a section of the world that you're looking at, then you can find the ads that they have on Facebook and Instagram, which are nice.
So for an ad, you want it to have good copy. I like to have a little more space in mine but who's to say what does or doesn't work better or not? You've always got to test things. I like to have more space in my copy so that it doesn't just feel like one big thing. Okay. So a video does not have to be high quality. It does not have to be an unbelievable video. It can be more homegrown. They can perform well even if they're not all professional. Now, I'm not saying don't have well thought up and figured out videos. What I'm saying is, if you look at the video quality, it does not need to be a high-quality video but have text, right?
So real quick, the text captions, those are important for you to use. I love using captions on ads. It helps people that are, a lot of the time in the bathroom or somewhere inappropriate to be watching ads or being on Facebook or Instagram, and you want to be able to get your message across. Those are just a couple of tactics that I wanted you to notice, be excited about the message, tell what it is, and then have a call to action, right. So it's pretty straight forward.
Okay. There's an ad where they're literally shooting it on their iPhone. It's for health and wellness, fitness trainers, great people I've worked with, and in their ad, you can see there's a little more spacing, they tell you the steps, and then the ad copy goes longer. Great ad, straight to camera. Even has some black lines, doesn't matter. People don't care about that as much as they used to. In addition, a lot of people like to use this section for text anyways. But, straightforward ad, and you can see that it's not overproduced. They get in front of the camera, tell you what they want to tell you, and move on from there. So I don't want anybody to think that you have to have a $10,000 budget to shoot a commercial or shoot an ad that's going to go up on Facebook and Instagram. People like people. Those platforms are built around people, so use that, that way.
Another example here is Frank Kern. I know and love Frank Kern, and he is a quirky, fun guy. Frank's video is not overly produced. He's in his home. I want to just point out it's social proof. What he does is he shows you a little Excel spreadsheet, basically, of how many people have taken his course and how many complaints he's had about it, and so he's using social proof. He's using it, like, "Hey, look, these people have done this, they like it, and why wouldn't you like it?" Right. So another good ad, but again, not overly produced, great straightforward ad, and he tells you what he would do if he had to start over again.
Now another example that I want to show you, is David Bayer. I've met and talked with David Bayer as well. He is a coach, trainer, speaker, and what he has in his content is produced. There is a show by Tom Bilyeu, called Impact Theory, which is also a great show as well. It's a YouTube show that Tom puts out and introduces some pretty incredible people. If you can think of the things that are motivating you to do what you do, if you can explain that, if you can get people behind that, you will find that they will be more engaged. This is, in my opinion, a very incredible, very engaging ad because of what it is talking about. Another great, great idea, different than other examples, very high produced. He has a show, he gets a cut of that show and he could use that to then push you to another message. This is to get you to like a page. A very, very straightforward ad. He wants you to like his page. So he's not trying to get you to buy his stuff, just check it out.
Moving on to YouTube. It's a different category. While you needn't see the whole episode or that little episode of a video for an ad, many companies use humor to get your attention. State Farm has a commercial where, in the video, the actors were saying, "Click the button. Click the button. I can't believe you haven't clicked the button." They use a lot of cast members, a lot of production, and I want you to know that on YouTube, I think there's a lot of people that are still missing the mark here. The big companies out there like Fiverr or other places, should be doing some produced video. I will say that that doesn't build any more value in YouTube than it does in Facebook, and so, note, you don't have to overproduce it to make it be awesome. So that's one example.
One of the other things that's really nice and to be thoughtful about, is if you want to create an incredible video for YouTube specifically, you can make sure and point out, "Hey, I know you could skip the ad right now, but I've got something important to tell you." Or you can even point out and say, "Hey, if you're not looking to do X, Y, and Z, then go ahead and skip the ad," right, and that's fine too, but that's another example of using the platform you're on specifically, instead of just generically shooting a video and having that be your ad. So, just an example, Artgrid is a place that allows you to get stock footage and video, so you can put that in your videos and whatnot. Okay. On YouTube, a guy shows you how to do some Facebook ads, and that's wonderful, but what he's doing is he's showing his face. You can see that he's not in any high produced facility. He's showing you his screenshot, and he's teaching you something.
That is probably one of the best tactics you can use, whether you're using Facebook or YouTube, is don't worry about it being highly produced. Now, if you want a couple angles or if you want it to be a little more professional, that's fine. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm saying that getting in front of the camera, telling people what you want them to know, and then telling them to click the button or to take the call to action, that is what matters most, and that's what will allow your ads to work the best.
All right, now that you've seen some examples of what you could be doing and what other people are doing with their advertising especially on social media, I want to make sure that you know that this is implementable. You could actually do this for your business, and if you will, you'll find really great success. You'll learn, you might fail, but at the same token, if you start advertising, you can only get better. So start doing that today and this just one small way to AutomateBIG.
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