Hey everybody, This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, on a topic that comes up all the time in businesses nowadays, because you can't avoid it. There's just no way to avoid what you can do. If you are avoiding it, you are missing out on such a massive opportunity for better results for your clients, better results for your customers and better revenue for your company.
What it comes down to is email and automation. Now I separate those out a little bit, email and automation. There's email automation, but there's automation independent of email. There's text message marketing, there's chatbot marketing. There are all kinds of fun stuff independent of emails, although email is still the basis of the crux. That's what I want to start first.
Some people think that email marketing is dead, and that is one of the notions that you just have to get out of your head because people still use email addresses. I do agree that...
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