Good question!
At the simplest level, digital marketers attract customers through any or all digital channels.
These channels include email, pay-per-click advertising, organic local search, SEO, video marketing, Facebook groups, content marketing…
Wherever customers can be found online, digital marketers will be right there. They’ll be seeking to attract highly qualified leads for their business.
Because digital marketing involves the full range of marketing activities, a digital marketer must provide a business the full range of marketing:
Hi everybody, it's Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG. And I want to show you today on the blog, how to get more out of your Facebook comments. So we're going to jump in on my screen and I'm going to actually show you one tactic that we've used over the past number of years. And the thing that I love to say about this the most is that this tactic that we used to utilize Facebook comments in a much better way than most people do actually outperformed a political figure that was giving a big speech the same day we were doing this.
So it's kind of funny that you look at what's going on in the world. And sometimes you're like, okay, well, how are they generating so many comments? Or how are people actually responding to all these comments? That's crazy. Well, there's a way to do that. And we like to use a tool called ManyChat.
Let's just jump in; I want to show you how to do this, so you can actually build this out for yourself. Cool thing is, free of charge. No matter how you are...
Hey everyone this is Bryan Hatch founder of AutomateBIG. And here we are on another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. And today, I want to talk about why handing off your marketing isn't working, and how to solve it. And I want to start off with something that may or may not work for some of my international people here but I recognize football, football, and rugby.
You know, they're all different sports, situations here but I want to just focus on one thing. Bear with me depending on how you follow sports but don't worry too much, okay? So typically, there are in a football game, like this is offense, I don't know if this is making much sense to you, but these are the people, the lineman here at the front. This is the quarterback and this is the running back, okay? So let's put into this scenario, you are the quarterback.
You own your business, you're an infopreneur, you sell online courses of training. And now you need to hand off your marketing to somebody else. Well, you need to...
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