Hey everybody, this is Bryan, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG and welcome to another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. I look forward to teaching you a little more about a favorite topic of mine that has expanded my world. You see, when I started my marketing career, I was very interested in marketing at a general level and then I got interested in tools, like technology you could use to be able to automate and make your marketing run, work for you very well.
When I got deep into that, I found, you can't just do the technology that I talk about or the technology spans quite a wide variety of systems of software. Still, at the same token, marketing automation to make you money and sales, there's this funny thing called social media that a lot of people have ignored and now no one can ignore. There are still businesses that do ignore it, which I think is interesting. I also understand that it's not an easy pill to swallow; there's a lot of work that has to go into your social media. I...
Hey everybody. This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG, and I'm excited to be here with you in a little different setting than I usually am to be able to share with you some of my thoughts about this week's episode of Marketing Runs Deep. Now, we have a lot going on in our businesses, and I know that you do as well. There are a lot of things you have to do. I mean, as a business owner, they say you wear a lot of hats. That's kind of an old phrase that we hear a lot of, but really what it comes down to is you have to be in a lot of roles as a business owner. There's a lot of things you have to do, a lot of things you have to accomplish, and if you're a small business owner with a small team, you might be doing the majority of it yourself, which is a struggle.
It's a challenge. It's not something that I would ever say flippantly. I would never say it like, "Oh yeah, it's no big deal. You're doing everything." No. When you're doing everything, that's a lot. There's a lot to handle...
This is Bryan Hatch, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG, and today we are going through another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. I'm excited about the topic we're going to talk about. It comes up quite often when I'm working with business owners out there that have some type of a problem. We're just going to dive right into it.
There is a difference between you and the guru. When I say guru, I'm talking about the expert, the person who's been in the business for a long time. Maybe it's your biggest competitor, someone that's at the forefront and a standout leader in your industry, and you're trying to take them over or have your piece of the pie, whatever it is. When you look at the guru, there are differences between you and them. We're going to jump right into how those make a difference in your business, how you can focus on the right things, and how you can make up for the differences that there are and still get ahead yourself in your business.
The number one thing to look at...
Hey everyone!
This is Bryan Hatch, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG, and I am excited about our training today. I mean we are going dive deep into some places that you probably have not been and a lot of other people won't go.
So, we are going to go into the details to help you set up some cool marketing campaigns. But first, as we get started here, I want to make sure that you recognize who this is for. I do not want to waste anybody's time, and I want to make sure that I am helping the people that want help.
So, first and foremost, if you are someone that is building a campaign, you know you need an online funnel, you know that you need something, digitally, to help you make sales, convert, and kick butt in your business, then you are in the right place.
If you are, maybe, working on, you have had a project or service for a while, and it has not quite hit its stride, you know that you can be doing better, then this is an excellent place for you to be as well, as we build up these...
This is Bryan Hatch, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG. Today's lesson in Marketing Runs Deep is a fun one. What makes you money now, versus later? Like always, I want to jump right into it, so we can get you what you're after, and help your business grow. No matter if you're a starter, if you're already a mover and a shaker, and you're making good things happen in your business, or maybe you're working for somebody, and you really need to learn the marketing skill set, so that you can level yourself up in the business. That's what we're doing here today.
What makes you money now, versus later? The stuff that makes you money right now is ads. What I'm saying by that is that if you look... In your holistic look at your marketing campaigns and efforts, your ads have got to be a part of that. Advertising in some way, shape, or form. I highly recommend using social media. That's the best way to get your word out there, and a very targeted way, considering. There are some pretty cool...
Hey everybody,
This is Bryan Hatch, CEO and Founder of AutomateBIG and I'm looking forward to today's training on Marketing Runs Deep. It's a subject that has come up frequently when I've talked to other people and it's something I'm really excited to share with you. So I want to just jump right into it with kind of how this came about.
See, a little while ago I was talking with a buddy of mine, he runs his own business, I run my own business. We were talking about how we were progressing and how things were going. One of the things that we talked about were some of the tools that we were using. One of the things he asked me was, "Do you have a ring light?" Now, before you worry about this, this post is not sponsored by that company. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't get it, I'm not talking about any of that. What I am talking about is that concept of do you have a ring light?
Ring light, if you don't know what it is, is a little light that you put behind a camera like this to...
Hey, everybody.
This is Bryan Hatch, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG and today I want to jump into our weekly training and talk about a subject that comes up often in conversation. It seems like every time I'm talking to somebody about how I do marketing for businesses, they always say the same thing, "Oh Bryan, I need to redo my website." I think that is such a bunch of hogwash and I want to make sure we can jump into how that makes a difference for you and your business.
Now, I'm not joking. Countless business owners have talked to me about the subject and I feel like there are three reasons why a website is important, but they're not the reasons you think that it's important. I'm going to go backwards in order from three to one. The third reason why people come to your website is to find out if you are a fly by night character. Do you actually have a business? Have you been in business for a while? They want to verify that you are somebody, that you're not going to just take their...
Hey everyone,
This is Brian Hatch, CEO and founder of AutomateBIG. I'm excited to be able to jump into something that is a passion of mine today to teach you some really important tactics that'll work with your business. Again, if you're an influencer, if you're selling digital courses, events, online trainings, anything of that nature, you're going to love this. If you're selling physical products of some sort or you're selling a high priced item of some sort, this is going to be very helpful for you as well. So let's dive right in because that's what I'm here for, is to give you value so that you can go out and make a difference with your business.
And today's lesson, maybe you can guess it while I go through here. Okay, you got it? That's the whole training. Ready to go? Okay. No, what this is called is the step ladder. And everybody in their business knows that they have to have a core offering, right? You have to have something that you're selling. That's like, that is your...
Hey everybody,
This is Bryan Hatch, founder and CEO of AutomateBIG and I want to be able to jump right into a review of a tech tool today to be able to teach a little more about what tools are useful in your business. And this goes for, no matter if you're an influencer getting started in brand marketing, if you sell a product or service, or if you have a lot of things like my clients do of a digital product or an event or some type of non-physical product that you offer to your customers. This is great advice to be able to set things up in your business. Now, the tool we're going to be talking about today, and it's really a set of tools, but it comes down to a marketing CRM, which is a customer relationship manager. If you don't have one of these, you need to get one.
And really there are so many of them out there it's not hard to find one nowadays. But these are tools that you track your customer relationship, so this is on the front end with your marketing efforts. If they opt...
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