Hey, everyone, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG, and I want to jump to another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, and talk to you about some of the frequently asked questions that I get as I'm out and about. When I'm telling people what we do here at AutomateBIG, one of those is how can I run ads by myself, for myself, for my thing, and that's a great question. There's a lot of people that want to go into the nuts and bolts and all the details and figure out all the cool things like an agency would, or someone that's going to run your ads should, but when you want to just get some things moving, and you want to understand how that works, it shouldn't be that complicated, and so I want to teach you today, how to run ads on Facebook/Instagram and on Google AdWords.
Now, the keyword being very simple. I'm showing you simple ways of how to get things done because you shouldn't be scared of getting something out there. Even on your organic side, if you're gonna post a cool video...
Hey, everybody. This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG. I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, and I want to talk about something that has really changed my life. You see, when I was early on in the marketing industry, I was in the automation space, learning email marketing, learning how to build opt-in pages, and get conversions, and take care of all the fun things behind the scenes that a lot of people need in their business but don't really want to have to deal with in their business. When I left and started doing my own thing, and teaching and training and helping other people to basically scale up in this space of marketing automation, I fell in love with advertising.
Advertising is something that every business, in my opinion, needs to do. Now, I recognize that there are people that are doing great things, that have a great network, that are working manually and calling people on the phone, talking to people physically, and I commend every effort...
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