Hey, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. The principle that I want to talk about today, love him or hate him, I'm not talking any political, nothing like that. This is called the Trump Episode. The reason why I want to call it that is because there's one principle that you need to have in your business, and even if you think that I'm crazy, hear me out. It's called the Trump Principle. The Trump Principle is that that dude is so confident in himself, he thinks he walks on water and thinks that he is the best of the best of the best. At the heart of that, why don't you?
You, an entrepreneur or business owner, you are working to scale your business, to grow your business, and you look at other people and you say, "Well, he's super egotistical and he's a jerk". Okay. I'm not saying be a jerk. Hear me clearly, I'm not saying that in your business you should be a jerk. That is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is...
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