Hey everybody, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I wanted to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep and teach you a little more about lead magnets.
I love the definition of lead magnet, because if you are trying to find leads for your business, and now I like to think of people as humans and not just numbers or things or objects, but still leads is a good description. If you have a magnet that's powerful enough, it should bring people to you that are attracted to a magnet. Now obviously with a magnet, if the wrong ends are facing, it should repel, right? So I love the idea of a lead magnet. This is what you're going to give in exchange for someone's name and email.
You are going to give something of value in your business that lets them learn something new, get something new, try something new, whatever the case is. That is so you can build your list. You've got to realize your lead magnet and this is one of the principles to do that. Principle number...
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